Product Updates: Share Multiple Screens, Limited Camera View and Auto Permissions for Microphone and Camera

August 30, 2022

Share Multiple Screens

The host can now allow all participants to share their screens simultaneously, view all screens in a gallery view and share one of the screens with all participants.

Share multiple screens

Limited Camera View

The meeting host can now select to limit the cameras view so that attendees will only see the host and locked cameras. If the session is recorded, only the host and locked cameras will be seen in the recording.

Limited camera view

Automatic Permissions for Microphone and Camera

If auto permissions are turned on participants will be able to activate their microphone and camera when the host joins the meeting.

Hide chat and Q&A from recordings

You can now choose if you want to show or hide the chat and Q&A in recordings.

Roles and permissions

Participants in a meeting have one of three roles: host, attendee or presenter. Learn more in this instructional video:

Roles and permissions